Saturday, February 28, 2015

Stopping cronyism and corruption.

This post is way off base from my usual topics.  The only things that are common to our usual conversations behind the Horse Stable  are drugs, cronyism and corruption.

A few weeks ago I saw a video about a new cancer vaccine that was working very well in dogs cats and horses. The video mentioned they were going to start human trials last 1/4 of this year.

On a whim I sent them an email, and explained my case and asked what the chances are of getting in the trial.

I figured I would get a form letter, but instead I get a call back from a very nice gentleman that explained the first FDA approved trials will only be for one kind of cancer. If it is proven successful and safe they will then move to another type, etc.

His words 
"It will be years till we will get to work with all types of human cancer."

The USDA must be much easier to work with, so far this vaccine has worked with every-type of cancer they have tried it on in horses dogs and cats - 28 types to-date.

The vaccine is made from the patients own tumor cells and Biotechnology so there are no side effects. It works by educating the immune system to kill the cancer cells. Therefore the earlier the cancer is detected and the vaccine given  the better chance the immune system will be able to destroy the tumor before the tumor kills the patient. They expect to have even better results in human trials than animal cases, since most animal cases are not diagnosed till later stages.

My reason for this post is not about whether this could be the next best thing in the fight against cancer.
My Reason for this post is to ask why is the FDA stopping people from volunteering to try this vaccine on any type of cancer?

If you have as I do, 5 metastasized sarcoma tumors in your lungs, your chances of winning the fight against cancer is 10% using traditional treatment methods.

  • My first thought is the FDA is trying to save me from treatments that could kill me? yea not likely with a 10% chance anyway.
  • My second thought is the FDA does not want me to buy snake oil, I appreciate the thoughts and will get back to that one.
  • My third thought was the FDA does not want me to stop trying traditional methods.

Here is my final thought, 

  • Anyone with half a mind can figure out that these are trials to prove the drugs work, the access is free, The worry about snake oil salesmen is mute,  they are snake oil giveaways.
  • If I have a 10% chance verse a hope and a prayer with a promising new treatment, chances are I may do both. BUT it is my choice, no Doctor has ever said to me "you must do this", everything has been my choice.
  • Now what about the next stage, after I get the next treatments that traditional medicine says I need. The stage where they say sorry we can not stop this,, it is to aggressive. WHAT IN HE DOUBLE HOCKEY STICKS ARE THEY SAVING ME FROM THEN?

I can only conclude that
The FDA is not concerned with saving me, or anyone but themselves.
Because this is what they do!

  1. Drive up costs of drugs and treatments by increasing the amount of time they need to come to market. thus controlling the citizens ability to take care of themselves. The higher the cost of drugs and treatments the more dependent on social programs and insurance society becomes. This is all good for the politicians job security and the insurance business that donates to keep the politicians elected. 
  2. Keeping new drugs off the market as long as possible so political cronies in big pharma can either figure out a way to discredit, or steal the new technology or drug. I try not to indulge in conspiracy theories, But there are just way to many stories and bits of proof that the 3 big industries (Health care, food production, and energy production), will buy out, steal or discredit any new tech they do not control, or threatens profits.   

Big pharma makes billions each year 
 If a vaccine is developed that works on even 50% of cancer patients 
They would have to sell a few private jets!!

I am all for free enterprise, but when government impedes the free enterprise of some, to benefit others that is cronyism.

I do not care if you are an Occupy wall street type, or a Tea Party supporter
I hope you are for personal freedom, 
and against big business getting bigger by cronyism and corruption..

We need some logical changes to help people find treatments that may work when traditional treatment fail them. We also must allow drugs to come through the trial process quicker so they can be more affordable.

Some suggestions to get us back on track
  1. If a person has been told by doctors and statistics that they have less than a 20% chance of survival, they should be able to volunteer for any new trial whether it is FDA approved or not.
  2. A person with a better than 20% statistical chance, must try traditional methods and have them fail, before being able to volunteer for any non FDA sanctioned trials.
  3. The people promoting the trial must show that it works at least as well as other treatments available before being able to charge for it. I will let the suits decide how much success is required.
  4. Any drug, vaccine or therapy that contains nothing foreign to the persons body should qualify as a supplement or Naturopathic, thus be allowed to come to market without FDA approval.
    Here is where I shoot the idea of "they do not want you buying snake oils" in the foot, They allow all kinds of non FDA tested or approved natural supplements every year, and most of them are snake oils,

This all begs the question,
Does the FDA get kick backs from the supplement companies as well?

Good people are suffering and dying every day from disease, big pharma is making billions and helping very little.

The cancer survival rate is only 15% better today than it was 50 years ago.
There is NO PROFIT in creating a cure, 
The profit is in developing treatments that are needed for life.

For those that are wondering - I have slowed the growth of my tumors, I believe with diet using a new idea called anti Angiogenesis. I will probably still have surgery but am waiting (with my doctors blessing) to see if the tumors have in fact stopped growing and no more are appearing.

The FDA is standing in my way of choosing a treatment that has no harsh chemicals, has no adverse substances that are not found in the body.


Someone has to be getting paid off, for this type of illogical thinking to be taking place!!

The Brits are coming, the Brits are coming!!!

 I am going to try and get some one to write a bill similar to the one that is going through the British Parliament now. Click here to read about the medical innovation bill,,   
I am writing up a form letter for anyone who cares to copy and forward to their politicians. Check back the next blog post here will have that letter included.

Some of the highlights of this bill
  1. Allows Doctors to suggest and try methods and treatments that may not be totally studied yet when traditional methods fail.
  2. Protect the Doctors from suit if the treatment or method fail
  3. Allows Patients to decide if they want to try any unproven method or treatment
  4. Promotes new and innovative treatments and methods
 A few Quotes from the web page answering questions abut this bill. 
  • "At the moment, the doctor’s hands are tied – by concerns about professional reputation and potential negligence claims,” says Lord Woolf.
  • “The Bill will allow responsible innovation.” says Sir Michael Rawlins.“From trying out things in individual patients, that can lead onto research and benefit thousands of other patients.
  • “It is a tragic indictment of modern medicine that innovation is too often jettisoned in favour of the status quo for fear of legal action. Defensive medicine is at the heart of so much clinical practice today, but the Bill – if accepted into law – would deftly excise this, leading the way for doctors to feel free to strive for medical advancement.
  • “This doesn’t mean that doctors would have free rein to experiment on a patient – they would still be bound by professional guidance and their duty of care would remain to their patient. Nor would it mean that the Bill would become a substitute for proper clinical trials.
  • “But what it does mean is that, in cases where the evidence is shaky, wanting or not yet clear, the Bill would set out a code by which doctors could try alternatives. It would provide a legal framework by which doctors, in discussion with their patients, could try off-label drugs or a device, treatment or intervention that might have some clinical data supporting it, but has yet to be fully proven.”

I know as Americans we hate to think the Brits can do anything better than we can. But if this legislation goes through they will be better at testing new treatments and procedures in health care. 

If you care please help!

All suggestions and comments are welcomed, as I try to develop a common sense and safe suggestion for dealing with snake oils, Political pay offs and letting the Doctors and scientists develop better treatments without fear of  being sued.

I do not want to just say "hey politician, I do not like this fix it"! I want to offer a workable idea that is similar to the British legislation only better. 
 I know it can be done if the right people put their heads together and discuss idea's.

 Politicians can never put their heads together for obvious reasons. 

We need to do the work and let them take the credit!

Till next time, may you ride a good horse


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